Think again por Adam Grant

Un libro cuyo mensaje es muy claro, la importancia de pensar de nuevo las cosas, de no aferrarnos a concepciones preconcebidas. De desaprender para luego aprender de nuevo. Es un mensaje sencillo pero difícil de aplicar en un mundo que promueve e incentiva lo contrario, la seguridad, las mejores prácticas, la firmeza, la claridad de objetivos. Incluso para mi mismo fue difícil de digerir.

El libro está plagado de historia, incluso en algunos casos me pregunté cómo lo aplicaba, sentía que me hacía falta esa parte práctica, pero al final lo compensa con creces, ofreciendo un acápite final con los 30 takeaways más importantes, consejos súper prácticos para el día a día.

Este libro me hizo una vez reflexionar, cómo no olvidar lo aprendido. Pero eso no es posible, así que cambié la perspectiva, tendré mi referente por tema y su libro. Este será mi referente en cómo repensar las cosas y no adherirse a lo conocido.

Nota: 9/10, evaluado en julio de 2021

Notas para mi PP en inglés:

The ability to rethink and unlearn is important nowadays.

We hesitate at the very idea of rethinking.

Questioning ourselves makes the world more unpredictable, can threaten our identities, making it feel as if we're losing a part of ourselves.

Funny enough, rethinking isn't a struggle if we talk about stuff for example. 

Examples and cases: BlackBerry, 

Individual rethinking

We often favor feeling right over being right.

Preachers, prosecutors, and politicians. 

Preacher: when our sacred beliefs are in jeopardy, we deliver sermons to protect and promote our ideas

Prosecutor: when we recognize flaws in other people´s reasoning, we marshal arguments to prove them wrong and win our case.

Politician: when we are seeking to win over an audience we campaign and lobby for approval.

In these cases, we don't bother to rethink our own views. 

To be a scientist is a frame of mind: searching for the truth, run experiments, discover knowledge. 

Decisiveness is overrated?

The smarter you are, the more you might struggle to update your beliefs.

Being good at thinking can make you worse at rethinking.

The purpose of learning isn't to affirm our beliefs, it´s to evolve our beliefs.

When you form an opinion, ask yourself what would have to happen to prove it false.


1- Think like a scientist. Resist the temptation to preach, prosecute or politick. Treat your opinion as a hypothesis. 

2- Seek information that goes against your views.

3- Harness the benefits of the doubt. When you find yourself doubting your ability, reframe the situation as an opportunity for growth.

4- Embrace the joy of being wrong. When you find out you´ve made a mistake, take it as a signal that you´ve just learned something new.

5- Learn something new from each person you meet. 

6- Build a challenge network, not just a support network.

7- Don't shy away from constructive conflict. Try framing disagreement as a debate.

8- Practice the art of listening.

9- Question "how" rather than "why".

10- Aks "what evidence would change your mind?"

11- Ask how people originally formed an opinion.




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