The Lords of Strategy por Walter Kiechel III

 Resumen original: Imagine, if you can, the world of business - without corporate strategy. Remarkably, fifty years ago that's the way it was. Businesses made plans, certainly, but without understanding the underlying dynamics of competition, costs, and customers. It was like trying to design a large-scale engineering project without knowing the laws of physics. But in the 1960s, four mavericks and their posses instigated a profound shift in thinking that turbocharged business as never before, with implications far beyond what even they imagined. In The Lords of Strategy, renowned business journalist and editor Walter Kiechel tells, for the first time, the story of the four men who invented corporate strategy as we know it and set in motion the modern, multibillion-dollar consulting industry.

Mi crítica: es un libro que arranca bien, ameno y fácil de leer pero no tengo claro en qué momento se complica y empieza a enredarse. Su visión de estrategia es algo limitada, sería más bien la historia de las empresas detrás del negocio de consultoría en estrategia. De un plumazo ignora los aportes que se han dado en el mundo académico salvo los de Harvard y un puñado de empresas de consultoría. Me costó mucho terminar de leerlo.

Mi nota: 6/10

Evaluado: diciembre 2020


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